The Challenges of Living in a Scientifically Advanced World

Challenges of living in a scientifically advanced world:

As science has progressed, it is becoming difficult for man to live his life. It seems that man is not moving towards science, but towards his own destruction.
To reduce his hard work, man is using a lot of pesticides day and night in the fields, due to which the whole environment is becoming poisonous.
Due to this, animals, fishes and other creatures are getting destroyed.
Millions of years ago, when grass used to grow in large quantities in the fields, people used to remove it with their hands, due to which the environment, animals, fishes, food items and weather both remained pure, due to which man got a long life.
In today’s scientific era, people have started using pesticides, due to which not only water has become polluted, but along with it fishes and small creatures are also getting destroyed,
due to which the health of man is also deteriorating. Due to these pesticides, toxicity spreads in the entire environment and diseases like pain in hands and feet, heart attack, blood pressure, sugar, brain hemorrhage are increasing very fast and small children are at the greatest risk.

Due to the excessive use of medicines and pesticides to destroy weeds in the environment, children start suffering from oxygen deficiency diseases and symptoms like cold and cough.

Man has polluted the entire environment by using pesticides. Earlier when people used to do farming, they used to remove the grass with their hands, due to which they used to get free fish, vegetables etc. in the fields, but nowadays man is using pesticides almost everywhere to destroy the grass in his fields, due to which the system of saving nature is getting destroyed. Earlier money was not so important, whereas today people are giving importance to money. Nowadays, even after working hard day and night, man is not able to get those things which he used to get in earlier times. In the coming time, the life span of man will be less than 50 years. All the governments of the world should stop using pesticides as soon as possible so that pollution in the environment can be reduced.

In a highly populated country like India, the use of weed killing claims should be of great help !

Because of having a large population, people of India should not copy some countries because their population is less so the environment is less polluted whereas in a country like India with a large population, pesticides should be used and all the grass should be uprooted by hand!

Organic farming fertilizers should be used in maximum quantities so that the environment, earth and all living beings remain safe and the independent system of nature can be promoted.

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