Right Time to Conceive

Right Time to Conceive :
Nature has given women a very important system, the uterus, which creates a new life. Women’s uterus is also called the child donor, in which after the sperm (seed) enters the uterus, a new (child) life is formed.
Those who want to have a child or are not able to have a child. So these laws of nature should be known first.
A child is formed in the woman’s uterus but it is not such a simple process. To have a child, it is very important for men to have normal sperm count, which can be checked by consulting a doctor. There are millions of living sperm in a man, out of which the most powerful sperm (germ) are capable of conceiving and the rest die.
When and how does conception occur: Eggs start forming in the uterus of women from the seventh day of menstruation. These eggs remain in the state of fertilization for 11 to 17 days. If a man or a woman wants to have a child, he should release male sperm into the uterus through sexual intercourse between 11 and 17 days of menstruation. At this time the eggs remain soft and keep breaking. When the male’s live sperm goes into the uterus, then if the most powerful sperm is successful in entering the egg, then from that day onwards that sperm starts developing into a child.
A man should restrain himself for at least 20 days so that the sperm count can increase . And relationship should be started from 11th or 14th day of menstruation till 18th day. If the man is strong then by having sex between 8 to 18 days of menstruation, the chances of conceiving a child in the uterus are 100℅.
Why pregnancy does not occur: It has been seen that most of the women suffer from anemia due to thyronorm disease, which leads to either inability to conceive or miscarriage. When this disease occurs, obesity starts increasing rapidly. But this symptom is not enough, it should be checked by consulting a doctor. There are many reasons for not getting pregnant, these can be found out only after examination by a doctor.
A pregnant woman should pay great attention to her eating habits. Due to which the blood count does not decrease, due to low blood count, miscarriage occurs due to the death of the child in the uterus.
Food should be easily digestible. Pregnant women should not eat foods that are fried with oil and are harmful to the baby.
Nature is not dependent on rules or laws made by any human being. Does all work on time!
Men and women should have children between 21 to 30 years of age. There is wisdom in this. Because later on it is because of children that relationships remain intact.