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Most of the earth’s water is getting polluted due to bathrooms and toilets!

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Most of the earth’s water is getting polluted due to bathrooms and toilets!

Discover the alarming truth about water pollution caused by bathrooms and toilets. Understand the urgent need for action to protect our planet’s most vital resource.

In the name of cleanliness, underground water is getting contaminated due to which drinking water is not as fit for drinking as it was 40 years ago. Due to some government cleanliness campaigns, the entire underground water has become polluted! Whereas for the
past many years, underground water was fit for drinking!

Now in the present time, the ground water is not fit for drinking in most of the places because people are using toilets and bathrooms day and night due to which the ground water is getting polluted and this is the biggest problem there.

In countries where the population explosion is very high, the problem of underground water getting polluted through toilets is very high!

Nature had made the earth’s water pure but humans, in their pursuit of maximum convenience, have started polluting it at a rapid pace!
Most of the earth’s water is getting polluted due to bathrooms and toilets! Another reason is that garbage and toxic substances are being thrown into the upper layer of the atmosphere and rivers every day! Due to which the water that people used to get freely to drink earlier is no longer fit for drinking today. Perhaps humans have taken the responsibility of their own destruction upon themselves.

All the governments of the world should think once that how can we protect the underground water from being contaminated, otherwise it is not far when people will be visiting hospitals all the time and in the coming times, the lifespan of humans will decrease drastically, the reason for this can also be that due to water getting contaminated, many kinds of infections and diseases come through water only, due to which the chances of the environment getting polluted also increases the most, when water gets contaminated, various kinds of stale substances and meat start getting deposited in it, then various kinds of viruses start spreading in the environment, small children are at the greatest risk of this!

All the people of the world should walk while observing nature!

Every human being should support nature and live according to the natural environment so that the balance of nature can be maintained.

Whenever there is harm to nature, humans have had to face various kinds of diseases.

What should be done to prevent ground water from getting polluted through toilet?

To prevent the land from getting contaminated by toilet water, the drinking water tube well should be at least 100 metres away.

In some countries, toilet campaigns are being run, while the process of making toilets is not correct. Most of the water from the toilets goes underground, which comes back up through the drinking tap and remains completely contaminated. People should change the way they make bathrooms and toilets. Such bathrooms should be made that do not allow the toilet water to go underground, rather such bathrooms should be invented that due to the extreme heat of the sun, all the water evaporates upwards, which can save underground water. While this is possible in India, it was possible as long as the population in India was less, but in the present time, due to more toilets, the ground water will get contaminated, due to which people may need external water. To prevent ground water from getting contaminated in India, the governments should invent new technology so that it does not go underground and the ground water does not get polluted. Scientists should think about how we can live with nature so that there is no harm in it.

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