How did the universe originate

Earth is an example of the universe. People believe that the universe originated from an explosion. While this is wrong. Yes, it is true that big mountains and oceans have been formed due to volcanic eruptions and collisions of objects. When seen as an example, all living beings and water are made up of microscopic particles. But all particles have their own nature and quality! Like the Neem tree, according to its nature, keeps on converting itself into a Neem tree with the help of sun, wind, water and earth. It depends on the nature quality of the Neem tree itself! Similarly, all the bodies and planets are created due to their own nature and quality.
How did the universe originate ? There is no end to the universe. No one knows how far the universe extends. The universe can also be called sky in another language.
Nature has taken millions of years to create the universe! All planets, stars and bodies are made of microscopic particles. And all particles have their own gravitational force! All microscopic particles have their own power, due to this power the universe has been created.
All the particles are pulled towards themselves due to the force of gravity and the particle which is the largest gets attached to it. And keep taking the shape of a big mass. Such a process continues for millions of years, now the body takes the form of a planet.
All particles have their own energy: the nature of the particles decides which particle will bind with which particle. The kind of energy that will be generated when all the particles are combined depends on the quality of the particles themselves.
Example 1 : Let the magnet be taken as ! The magnet is also made of tiny particles. Now the nature of the magnet will decide what kind of particles will be attached to it.
A magnet always attracts its own particles and they get attached in the right direction; if the direction is wrong, the magnet does not get attached. When all the particles are connected to each other, a magnetic force is generated, this happened because the nature of these particles is like this.
Example 2: Water is also made up of microscopic particles. Now the nature of these particles decides. Which particles will join it? And what rules will it follow? When all the particles join together, they generate a different type of power. This also decides the nature of those particles. Water gives strength to every life! Water is also called h2o in scientific language. Because water is formed when oxygen and hydrogen mix. Water was created because this is the nature of both.
Example 3: Be it a tree or any living being, it will take the shape that its nature decides. Neem tree is bitter because its nature is the same. Similarly, every planet has its own nature. And it takes time to build.
Similarly, the nature of all the planets is different and the kind of power that will be generated when they join depends on the quality of the particles. But all particles have their own gravitational force, some have more and some have less. Due to which they remain connected to each other.
Which particle will connect with which particle, it decides the quality of the particles and the nature of that particle. Due to the force of gravity, all the planets and stars are hanging in the sky without any strings.
This is nature’s nanotechnology: which is not visible to human eyes but nature’s work continues!
All planets Stars and bodies are either moving in the sky or are stable at their place. This is because the particles already have that quality. And what kind of energy and power will be generated when the particles combine? This determines the nature of the particles.
The universe has been created due to the nature and quality of the particles and the nature and quality of the sky.
Be it any type of particle, be it in the form of water or gas, be it in solid form or be it in wet form, we called all of them as particles because all of them are in the form of particles.