How cancer occurs

Cancer is a very dangerous thing. Once cancer occurs, it is almost impossible to cure it. Cancer means cancellation, that is, the entire cells of the place where cancer has occurred are destroyed. There are many reasons for cancer. Most cancers are caused by tobacco, gutkha and smoking. Still it is not right to say that cancer is caused only by tobacco and gutkha. There are many reasons for cancer.
By consuming substances like gutkha and tobacco, the cells get injured and healed again and again. If this continues for many years, the cells lose their ability to function. This is called cancer. Even if the ancestors died thousands of years ago, they remain alive forever.
the body remembers what shape it has to take and how to build this body. You will see that the body tries its best to mold itself according to the body of its ancestors. In any house or in any country you will see why people are born the same. This happens because even after their ancestors are gone, their body remembers how to mold itself. Similarly, cells also have the ability to repair the muscles and skin of the body. Cells remember how to build the body. When cells are repeatedly injured and healed again and again, when this starts happening daily, the cells lose their ability to heal. Now the cells do not remember what shape the body has to be in. The cells start building the body in any shape, that is, those cells do not have enough working capacity to build the body properly as before. The muscles start molding in any shape. The reason is that blood starts coming out.
Most cancers are caused by teeth. When there is extreme pain in the muscles of the teeth, then the teeth should never be pulled out, instead, efforts should be made to heal those muscles, which increases the efficiency of the cells and the chances of cancer are reduced. When the swelling subsides, one or two teeth should be pulled out. When the teeth are pulled out, the cells have to work harder to heal that place, due to which the person also gets fever.
Whenever there is severe pain in the teeth and the muscles surrounding the teeth or if the teeth have been extracted, one should never consume intoxicants like tobacco because in such a condition the cells are very active in repairing the muscles. If in such a condition intoxicants like tobacco are consumed, the cells may lose their working capacity and the chances of cancer increase.
How can cancer be prevented?
To avoid cancer, one should do normal exercise regularly and eat good quality food. One should eat such food which is light so that the digestive process works. One should not consume tobacco, alcohol and smoking or should consume very less intoxicants. If there is pain and swelling for more than 15 days in any part of the body, then one must consult a doctor so that it can be estimated whether this swelling and wound is turning into cancer. Cancer can happen in any form, be careful.
Can smoking cause genetic disorders?
If a person or his parents smoke excessively, then the symptoms of their smoking can be seen on their future generations as well. This can lead to some deficiencies in the future generations like any organ getting deformed or any organ not being able to develop properly. This is also a sign of damage to the cells.
In most of the cases it has been seen that if the mother does not take proper nutritious diet or due to lack of blood then the child does not develop properly. If the mother is pregnant then it is necessary to consult a doctor at the right time because the doctor has most of the knowledge of medical science.
Warning: It is necessary to consult a doctor for any illness or disease!
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