Engine head and engine valve

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Engine head and engine valve : Engine Head is an important part of the engine which plays an important role in running the engine. There are small holes inside the head to let water in and out. In which it helps in maintaining normal heat of the head.
Oil continues to flow through small holes in the rotating and moving parts of the head, due to which there is less wear on the rotating and moving parts of the head.
An important part inside the head is the valve with the help of which the engine takes oxygen and keeps expelling the burnt smoke. At least two or four valve are installed for each cylinder in the head.
The head in which a cylinder has two walls. When the engine’s crank rotates twice, the cam in the head rotates only once. When the piston moves downwards for the first time, the oxygen valve opens. As soon as the piston goes up for the second time, both the valves close. When the piston starts going down 03 mm from the top, then the oil sprays on the piston through the nozzle. Due to high air pressure, the oil gets burnt immediately and the piston is pushed downwards with force as soon as the piston starts coming upwards. That’s when the smoke wall starts opening. This process keeps happening again and again and the engine keeps rotating.
Pressure on the wall: The valve is pressed by push rod or cam. The cam soft is connected to the RD gear l by means of a crank or a donor belt. In an engine whose cylinder has four valve, the oxygen valve is pressed together. Similarly, both the walls of smoke get pressed together.