Refund and Returns Policy

Affiliate-Refund/Returns Policy:

No goods are sold on website, we only run Affiliate marketing. That is, in a way we promote the product and write information about it. We can earn some income from this. Therefore refund and return policy has nothing to do with it.

No product payment transactions of any kind are done on the website and never ships any products.

Therefore is not responsible for the payment and return policy.

If you visit someone else’s website through a link through, then you should read their return policy and policy once and get information about the website. This is the responsibility of the user of will never be responsible if any kind of loss or fraud occurs while using any other website.

Vle One Hosting-Cancel/RefundPolicy:

Last updated on Mar 3 2024


While buying Hosting, VPS, Domain, if you do not receive the product you tried to buy within 24 hours or your transaction is unsuccessful, money has been deducted from your account and we have received that balance, then we will refund your amount to your account within 7 days

Domain and VPS Refund:


Before buying a domain or VPS it is important to know our refund rules. You will not be entitled to any refund in case of cancellation or revocation of any domain or VPS by you.

Hosting Refund:


No cancellations & Refunds are entertained Email:


or chat. If you cancel on your own, you will not be entitled to receive the refund. Third Party It will not be refunded if purchased from any other website: If you buy any plan or product from a third party, then you cannot demand a refund from Vle One because we lose our rights over such money! If any client buys a plan or product from a third party, then in case of any loss, the client himself will be responsible for it and can never demand money from Vle One!

Control Panel Refund:

The control panel always belongs to their owners. Vle One only provides you service by installing it and the owner of the control panel has all rights reserved on the control panel! After successful login to Cyberpanel control panel, if you make a purchase from the web link provided by the control panel, then Vle One will not be responsible for any kind of financial and mental gain or loss. You cannot ask for any kind of refund from Vle One.


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